Information sought about the Peter Lawless family siblings,Navan, County Meath, Ireland 1780-1820

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I have researched five siblings of the marriage and all were Baptised in Navan between 1782 and 1792 .One of the siblings, John Francis Lawless, born 1786, was sent to Australia as a convict in 1809.In 1831 a Patrick Lawless, born 1814, was sent to Australia as a convict and gave the same parental names as John Francis. Even though there is a 28 years gap in their ages,I am positive that in my searches I did read a Baptismal record for Patrick Lawless confirming the parents names but I cannot now find that same record. As we know, Irish records of this time are not complete and given the age differences, it may be that the family had moved and Patrick was not born or Baptised in Navan,Meath but in a nearby place.

Any help would be appreciated,
Marilyn Kewin - nee Lawless

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