Some New Useful Sections on Your Geneanet Home Page

Posted by admin on Nov 26, 2014

Some new useful sections have been added to your Geneanet home page.

Depending on the number of individuals in your family tree, one of these new sections offers different kind of tools to help you build your family tree.

Another new section invites you to index our collection of headstones and memorials, and another one shows recently added archive and pictures to the Geneanet database.

1. If you already have a Geneanet family tree, a new section shows a carousel with most recently added or updated individuals (items are clickable), date of last update, number of attached archival records & pictures and number of possible errors (with a link to the ‘Check Family Tree’ option). If you have ‘Guest’ or ‘Admin’ access rights to some member’s family tree, you will be able to directly switch between them by selecting an item in the ‘Other family tree’ drop-down list.

2. If you have less than 7 individuals in your Geneanet family tree, you can click a box to add new persons in it.

3. If you don’t have a Geneanet family tree, you can directly build it from scratch.

Another new section invites you to index our collection of headstones and memorials, and another one shows recently added archive and pictures to the Geneanet database.

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