Last name: SUGAR

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All you have to know about the last name SUGAR

Last name frequency

SUGAR : This last name is indexed 22,166 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

SUGAR : 1: English: nickname from Middle English sugre suker ‘sugar’ (Old French sucre Anglo-Norman French soucre sugre) used for a sweet-natured person or perhaps for a confectioner or dealer in sugar in which case Sugar might be a shortened form of Sugarer.2: English: possibly from the ancient Germanic personal name Sudgar Suger (perhaps for swi(n)th- ‘strong’ + gēr ‘spear’ but this is uncertain) although there is no evidence of its use as a personal name in medieval Normandy or in Anglo-Norman England.3: English: variant of Shocker a nickname from Middle English shokere Old English sceācere ‘robber’.4: Hungarian (Sugár): nickname for a well-built person from sugár ‘tall slim’.5: Czech and Slovak (Šugar Šugár): probably a nickname of Hungarian origin (see above).6: Croatian (Šugar): nickname from a Croatized form of Romanian sugare ‘lamb born behind its time’ used among Wallachian shepherds.7: Americanized form (translation into English) of German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) Zucker and possibly also of other surnames meaning ‘sugar’: Hungarian Czukor Croatian Cukor (both from Hungarian cukor a loanword from German).

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