Last name: PORTEOUS

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All you have to know about the last name PORTEOUS

Last name frequency

PORTEOUS : This last name is indexed 35,153 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

PORTEOUS : English and Scottish: nickname from Middle English and Older Scots port(e)hors portas porte(i)s portos portus porthous porteus portewas ‘portable breviary prayer book’. It is a borrowing of Old French porte-hors Anglo-Norman French porteose porteho(r)s port(h)eus literally something ‘carried out of doors’. The surname may have been given to someone who habitually carried such a book or for a scribe employed to write them. In modern times it is chiefly a Scottish surname which probably accounts for its presence in northern England but the name is also well evidenced in southeastern England in the medieval period and in northern Lincolnshire since the 17th century. The Scottish surname became established in Ireland by the mid 16th century.

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