Last name: MILL

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All you have to know about the last name MILL

Last name frequency

MILL : This last name is indexed 121,050 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

MILL : 1: Scottish and English: topographic name for someone who lived near a mill from Middle English mille melle mulle ‘mill’ (assimilated forms of Old English mylen). It was usually in effect an occupational name for a worker at a mill or for the miller himself. The mill whether powered by water wind or (occasionally) animals was an important center in every medieval settlement; it was normally operated by an agent of the local landowner and individual peasants were compelled to come to him to have their grain ground into flour a proportion of the ground grain being kept by the miller by way of payment.2: English: from the Middle English female personal name Mill a short form of Millicent (compare Millett) or perhaps from a variant of the Middle English male personal name Mile (see Miles).4: Dutch (Van Mill): habitational name from Mill in North Brabant.3: German: habitational name from Millen (North Rhine-Westphalia).

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