Last name: JOSHUA

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All you have to know about the last name JOSHUA

Last name frequency

JOSHUA : This last name is indexed 10,051 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

JOSHUA : Jewish and Welsh: from the Biblical name Hebrew Yehoshuah meaning ‘may Jehovah help him’ transliterated as Joshua in Latin and Latin-derived European Biblical texts and in Britain and America pronounced with initial /ʤ/ (as in jewel) instead of original /j/ (as in yule). The name was borne by the Israelite leader who took command of the children of Israel after the death of Moses and led them to take possession of the promised land. As well as its use as a personal name and surname among Ashkenazic Jews it is also typically Welsh. In Britain Joshua was a relatively popular personal name among Baptists and Independents from the 17th century onward at which time many Welsh families continued to employ a non-hereditary patronymic which was only later adopted as a fixed surname. The surname is also found among Christians in southern India (compare Koshy) but since South Indians traditionally do not have hereditary surnames the southern Indian name was in most cases registered as such only after immigration of its bearers to the US. Compare Jesus and Josue.

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