Last name: HYLAND

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All you have to know about the last name HYLAND

Last name frequency

HYLAND : This last name is indexed 50,461 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

HYLAND : 1: Irish: Anglicized form either of Gaelic Ó hAoileáin (see Heelan) or Ó Faoláin (see Whelan). Excrescent final -d is often added to names Anglicized from Irish especially when this brings them closer to an English word (see below).2: English: topographic name for someone who lived either on a piece of enclosed land or a piece of high land since Middle English he(i)gh hege hey(e) can represent either Old English gehæg geheg ‘fence enclosure’ or Old English hē(a)h ‘high’.3: English: perhaps a habitational name from Hillam (Farm) in Flixton (Lancashire) from Old English hyll ‘hill’ + land ‘land’. This surname was taken to Northern Ireland where it appears in the 18th century as Hillan Hillen.4: Americanized form of Norwegian Hylland and Høyland (see Hoyland).5: Americanized form of Norwegian Hjalland: habitational name from the farm name Hjalland in Telemark a compound of Old Norse hjallr ‘terrace ledge’ and land ‘(piece of) land farmstead’.6: Americanized form of Swedish Högland (see Hogland) or of some other similar (like-sounding) surname or an adoption of the cognate English surname (see 2 above). This surname is today also found in Sweden though it is very rare there; it was adopted in the early 20th century by a brother of a Swedish emigrant to the US bearing the Americanized surname Highland (or according to some sources Hyland).7: Americanized form of German Heiland. Compare Highland.

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