Last name: BEARD

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All you have to know about the last name BEARD

Last name frequency

BEARD : This last name is indexed 197,684 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

BEARD : English:: 1: nickname for a bearded man (from Middle English berd Old English beard). To be clean-shaven was the norm in non-Jewish communities in northwestern Europe from the 12th to the 16th century the crucial period for surname formation. There is a placename and other evidence to show that this word was used as a byname in the Old English period when beards were the norm; in this period the byname would have referred to a large or noticeable beard. In North America this surname has absorbed cognates and equivalents in other languages in particular German Barth 1.2: habitational name from a place called Beard in Derbyshire (now represented by Beard Hall and Beardwood Farms in New Mills parish) which derives its name by dissimilation from Old English brerd ‘rim bank’.

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