Last name: AUSTIN

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All you have to know about the last name AUSTIN

Last name frequency

AUSTIN : This last name is indexed 381,276 times on Geneanet!

Origin of last name

AUSTIN : 1: English French and German: from the personal name Austin from Latin Augustinus a derivative of Augustus (see Augustin). This was an extremely common personal name in every part of Western Europe during the Middle Ages owing its popularity chiefly to Saint Augustine of Hippo (354–430) whose influence on Christianity is generally considered to be second only to that of Saint Paul. Various religious orders came to be formed following rules named in his honor including the ‘Austin canons’ established in the 11th century and the ‘Austin friars’ a mendicant order dating from the 13th century. The popularity of the personal name in England was further increased by the fact that it was borne by Saint Augustine of Canterbury (died c. 605) an Italian Benedictine monk known as ‘the Apostle of the English’ who brought Christianity to southern England in 597 and founded the see of Canterbury.2: English: variant of Aspden with which this surname became confused.

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